Gravity and our Solar System’s Galactic Vortex Rotation

Gravity is not easily understood with the rational mind. While we have known about gravity and have created equations to measure it, for hundreds of years now, we have only just begun to understand how it works on a larger scale in our solar system and galaxy.
On this macro level we, here on Earth are barely dust in the wind, and the ways we have been taught a bout our solar system are as outdated as the concept of a flat Earth. In science classes i was always taught that the earth and planets spin around the sun in a circular or oblong rotation. This rotational model leaves out the galactic reality of our Solar System moving through space as an arm of our spiraling galaxy.
While our planet is rotating once every 23 hours and 54 minutes at a speed of 460 meters per second(1,041.7 miles per hour), we are also crusing through our orbit of the sun at a speed of 69,360.73 miles per hour.
In addition our sun is moving toward the hercules Constellation at a rate of 43,200 mph while our galaxy is spinning at a rate of 446,400 mph.
This means we are really moving along at a good clip here on earth and it gives a sense of why gravity is important to us and how we need to consider things that are larger than us to understand our part within the larger farme work of the universe.  It is the larger masses in the universe that govern the attraction of gravity, since objects of smaller mass tend to be attracted to larger masses by gravity.
To illustrate the vast difference between the rotational model and the vortex model i have shared this video depicting the beauty and dynamic nature of the planet and solar system we live in.